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Parashah of the week: Vayetze

“Jacob awoke from his slumber and said: ‘Surely God is in this place and I did not know’” Genesis 28:16

December 2, 2022 08:59
Reading the Torah

Every so often, it is possible to find yourself in a place that is so beautiful, powerful, serene or special that you cannot help but to feel moved.

However, such experiences beg the question: are these spiritual places truly that rare, or are we just poorly attuned to how common they actually are?

Our liturgy would lead us to believe that miraculous events are far more common than we realise. Whenever we recite the Amidah, we say Modim anachnu lach: “We are grateful to You, God, for the miracles which are with us every day — evening, morning, and noon.”

The problem is most of us are desensitised to the existence of such miracles — even the greatest among us suffer from such obliviousness.

