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Parashah of the week: Vayakhel

“Moses communed all the congregation of the people of Israel and said to them, ‘these are the things that the Eternal has commanded you to do’” Exodus 35:1

February 25, 2022 09:23
reading the torah

Moses will go on to instruct the observance of Shabbat and the building of the Tabernacle, but why emphatically bring everyone together here, using the term Vayakhel, from which we derive the word kehillah, “community”?

Recently I woke up at 7 unable to move my back without coruscating pain and therefore unable to move. Keen to get to the bathroom, I jaggedly manoeuvered myself into a most uncomfortable position, flopping to the floor, propped up against drawers. 

I was sleeping in the conservatory, isolating from my wife who had Covid. I shouted “help” repeatedly, feeling scared and alone. Help came from my brother and wife. I’m sorting out my back.

Those moments and these two years have been extraordinarily isolating, so much so that we might have ceased to dream about the power of being together. The Mei Hashiloach, the 19th-century Chasidic Rebbe, says that Moses convenes all because when an individual encounters something desirable, she wants to accrue it to herself. 

