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Parashah of the week: Va’etchanan

“Let me, I pray, cross over and see the good land on the other side of the Jordan” Deuteronomy 3:23

August 15, 2024 16:23
Copy Of Israeli vineyard Getty 1243000554
The good land: the Yeruham Pinto vineyard in the southern Negev in Israel (Getty Images)

Moses’s prayer to be allowed to enter the Land of Israel epitomises the pain of all the unanswered prayers of those who left behind unfinished projects and unrealised dreams, whose life’s projects were cut short and whose visions remained unfulfilled,

We must ask ourselves: was his prayer not answered, or was he answered in an unexpected manner?

The Mishnah teaches that one cannot pray for events that have already been set in motion, even when we do not know its outcome, stating: “One who prays to change the past, offers a vain prayer” (Berachot 9:3).

If one saw a plume of smoke coming from the direction of one’s house, one would be tempted to pray: “Please, let in not be my house!” However, whoever’s house is burning, is already has already been fixed in time, which cannot be altered.