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Parashah of the week: Va’era

“I will liberate you from the labours of the Egyptians and rescue you from their bondage… But when Moses told this to the Israelites, they would not listen to Moses because of shortness of breath and hard labour” Exodus 6:6-9

January 11, 2024 15:44

ByRabbi Daniel Silverstein, Rabbi Daniel Silverstein

1 min read

The Hebrew word for “breath” used in the final verse here is ruach, which also means “wind” and “spirit”.

In using this word, the ancient language of the Torah is drawing on the connection between our breath, and our psychological and spiritual state of being. As we all know from experience, our breath shortens and lengthens in relationship with our emotions.

Even though Moses was trying to give the people wonderful news about liberation, freedom and dignity, their own inner state prevented them from hearing this news.

Of course, this is entirely understandable, given the situation. The people were forced by cruel taskmasters to perform back-breaking and humiliating labour, around the clock, hence they had precious few inner resources left and little capacity for receiving Moses's good news.

