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Parashah of the week: Va'era

“Therefore tell the Jewish people, ‘I am Hashem and I will take you out of Egypt’” Exodus 6:6

January 20, 2023 10:27
Reading the Torah
1 min read

The most lost expression I saw on a person’s face belonged to a group of American college Birthright students at the Kotel (the Western Wall  in Jerusalem). They had spent a day in Auschwitz and the very next day were at the Kotel. They were emotionally charged — moving from the horrors of the Holocaust to the freedom of Israel — but without direction.

The centrepiece of our Seder night are the four promises. The four cups and various other iterations of four are due to these four Divine assurances of freedom. The Netziv (Rabbi Naftali Zvi Yehuda Berlin, 19th century) asks a piercing question. Why do four assurances of the same event equate to four different reasons to celebrate?

He explains that the four assurances were four different milestones that happened at different stages, each rescinding elements of slavery. The first was the removal of the backbreaking, extra-harsh element of slavery. The second was the removal of the slavery entirely. The third was our no longer being under any Egyptian dominion, with the fourth assurance being the receiving of the Torah.

The Netziv brilliantly explains the psychological metamorphosis from a nation battered through generations of slavery to receiving the Torah, explaining that the incremental healing process spanning the fulfilment of these four assurances lasted a year and a half.

