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Parashah of the week: Tzav

“While the fire is kept going on it’” Leviticus 6:2

March 29, 2024 09:45

Tzav describes the rituals for the various types of sacrifices that were brought by the priests at the Tabernacle. Starting with the daily burnt offering, the Torah writes: “It shall remain where it is burned upon the altar all night until morning while the fire on the altar is kept going on it” (Leviticus 6:2).

The Chatam Sofer (Rabbi Moses Schreiber, 1762-1839) suggests that the Hebrew tukad bo (“is kept going on it”) should be read as “the fire is kept going in him”, referring to the officiating priest rather than the sacrifice; the priest must ensure that a fire of enthusiasm keeps burning in him while he performs his task.

The removal of the ashes of the previous night’s sacrifice, a task known as terumat hadeshen, certainly did require extra enthusiasm. Performed daily, first thing in the morning, while the priest is dressed in ordinary linen clothes rather than shiny priestly vestments, and without anyone to witness, it seemed more a chore than a privilege and decidedly unglamourous.

Indeed, Rabbi Simcha Bunem of Przysucha (1765–1827) suggested that the mundanity of the task was aimed to remind him that he was not above the ordinary people who spent their days in everyday pursuits.

