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Parashah of the week: Toldot

“And Isaac again dug the wells of water which they had dug in the days of his father, Abraham” Genesis 26:17

November 28, 2024 13:09
Isaac at the well.jpg
Isaac at the well (Providence Lithograph Company, 1906/Wikimedia Commons)
1 min read

As an educator at the JLE, I have had many conversations over the years with Jews of all ages who tell me that while they find the Torah wisdom we share to be insightful and relevant, they cannot really apply it to their lives since they are “not holy enough” to lead a spiritual life.

For so many of these wonderful Jews, a more vibrant Jewish life seems unattainable since they feel buried under a deep layer of spiritually negative thoughts and habits.

Relative to his father Abraham and his son Jacob, the Torah provides little detail about the life of Isaac. However, one area that the Torah does focus on is his well-digging, described in this week’s parashah. It is clear that in the arid desert, the need for water was of paramount importance, yet why is it so vital for us to know about Isaac’s search for subterranean waters?

I believe that it is those who are feeling spiritually distant or buried under layers of negativity that Isaac’s well-digging comes to address. As the late Lubavitcher Rebbe taught, we might feel as if our spiritual lives are concealed and buried. However, within each of us lies a wellspring of holiness and spiritual beauty.

