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Parashah of the week: Tetzaveh

"Make sacred clothes for your brother Aaron, for glory and for beauty” Exodus 28:2

February 11, 2022 09:21
Reading the Torah

“Make sacred clothes for your brother Aaron, for glory and for beauty” Exodus 28:2

I wore golden boots at my child’s recent bneimitzvah party. I thought long and hard about what I wanted to wear. I wanted shoes that felt special and celebratory but that I could still dance easily in. These fitted the bill. My child spotted a shirt they liked at Greenwich Market which they wore — also something both celebratory and comfortable.  

Although the focus of the day was obviously on the Torah, our clothes still mattered. Had we both turned up in tracksuit bottoms, we would have felt we were somehow letting ourselves down. Dressing up a bit enhanced the glory of the day, a visual aid to what was going on under the surface. 

I didn’t always dress up for prayer or parties. As a younger woman, I was strongly of the opinion that God didn’t care what I wore and as I associated  suits and dresses with the workplace, I was more likely to frequent Shabbat gatherings where jeans or leggings were considered OK.