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Parashah of the week: Tetzaveh

“Make sacral vestments for your brother Aaron” Exodus 28:2

February 21, 2024 11:00
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The Torah is not the most obvious place to find a detailed description of its characters’ apparel, yet Parashat Tetzaveh devotes more than 40 verses on the priestly garments “for dignity and adornment” of Aaron and his sons.

Commentators are quick to explain that “dignity and adornment” relate not to Aaron, the individual, but to the importance of his office.

Usually, when we come across clothes in the Torah, they are purely functional rather than indicators of the status or riches of the wearer, the obvious exception Joseph’s kutonet passim, the famous coat of many colours gifted by his father, which is a cautionary tale of parental favouritism and sibling rivalry.

Garments are typically only mentioned when someone or something needs covering up, whether literally or metaphorically. The first such mention is in Genesis. God made clothes for Adam and Eve to preserve their dignity (Genesis 3:20), which is why some suggest that the Hebrew word lebush (garment) is derived from lo bosh (no shame).

