“And see what kind of country it is. Are the people who dwell in it strong or weak, few or many? Is the country in which they dwell good or bad? Are the towns they live in open or fortified?” Numbers 13:18-19
June 24, 2022 11:22Moses prepared the twelve spies by asking a series of questions which they were to answer over the course of their mission. One question was whether the nations of Canaan were strong or weak and another was whether they lived in fortified or open cities.
Intuitively, we might have assumed that if the Canaanite peoples lived in fortified cities, this indicated their military might; and if they lived in open towns, this meant they were fragile and vulnerable. Indeed, when the spies returned and tried to discourage the people from proceeding into the land, they frightened the people by describing the enormous fortresses protecting the Canaanites, viewing them as a reflection of the superiority of their armed forces.
Rashi, quoting the Midrash Tanchuma, writes that this perspective is incorrect. He explains the large fortresses signified fear and weakness, not strength. If the Canaanites had felt secure and confident in their military capabilities, they would not have constructed large walls to protect them. An elaborate fortification system points to a lack of confidence and the Canaanites’ realisation that their capabilities were inferior and not ready for battle.
Rabbi Elya Meir Bloch, a leading 20th-century American rabbi, observed that the same can be said of the barriers we erect to shield ourselves from negative influences. Intuitively, we might assume that those with greater spiritual strength are the ones who manage to isolate themselves, whereas engagement with different people is a sign of weakness.
In truth, however, it is isolation that can signify weakness and a lack of confidence in one’s inner commitment, while those who feel more confident often feel less of a need to separate themselves from others.
In addition, we must remember that withdrawal and seclusion cannot substitute for genuine and firm resolve. Clearly, at times it might be necessary to avoid certain situations and forms of interactions that could influence us the wrong way.
In the end, however, even when fortresses are warranted, what matters most is the strength of our faith, courage and convictions. Barriers offer limited protection that cannot take the place of a sincere devotion to our traditional beliefs, way of life and community.