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Parashah of the week: Pinchas

“Let the Lord, source of the breath of all flesh, appoint someone over the community” Numbers 27:16

July 6, 2023 13:42
Torah reading
A torah (Hebrew scripture) reading. The "yod" - a hand-shaped silver pointer - is used by the reader to mark his or her place in the text.

In Parashat Pinchas, Moses requests that God appoint a qualified leader to succeed him after his death. There are many fascinating aspects to this narrative. First and foremost is the fact that Moses is proactive in this request.

Just a few short chapters earlier he has received the heartbreaking news that he will not lead the people into the land of Israel (Numbers 20:12). Without prompt from anyone else, he humbly takes on the task of seeking out a successor.

The language in this request is also striking. Moses refers to God as “the God of spirits for every flesh”. This is a unique phrase in Tanach and one that we refer back to in our liturgy, notably in the “God Full of Compassion” prayer we say at a shivah in memory of the dead, where we ask Hashem to guard the soul of the deceased.

Rashi, quoting the Midrash Tanchuma, takes note of this strange phraseology and explains that Moses prayed to Hashem and said, “You know full well the mind of every individual, that they do not resemble each other. Appoint over them a leader who will tolerate each person according to his mind.”

