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Parashah of the week: Mishpatim

“If you lend money to My people, to the poor among you, do not act toward them as a creditor; exact no interest from them” Exodus 22:24

February 16, 2023 14:59
Reading the Torah

Parashat Mishpatim discusses the laws of lending among a wide range of other moral, ethical and religious imperatives. Although the verse starts with the word “if”, the commentators emphasise that offering financial support to someone in need is a direct Torah obligation.

Indeed, the Talmud writes that providing an interest-free loan to someone who is struggling is considered to be an even greater mitzvah than the mitzvah of giving charity (Shabbat 63a). The reason given for this is that it is less embarrassing for the recipient to take a loan than to receive charity.

Maimonides in his Laws of Loans adds that by providing a loan when needed, you can help an individual to stand on their own two feet with independence and dignity, so that they will not need to accept charity. 

The Mishnah in tractate Pe’ah writes that giving a loan to a person in need is one of the few mitzvot for which a person receives a reward in this world as well as in the world to come. We recite that mishnah every morning at the beginning of our prayers as a reminder that we must fulfil our obligations to our community before we can fulfil our obligation to our Creator. 

