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Parashah of the week: Lech Lecha

“Behold, the Lord has prevented me from giving birth; please come to my maidservant, perhaps I will be built through her" Genesis 16:2

November 3, 2022 09:43
Reading the Torah

Abraham starts his journey at the age of 75. He spends years travelling between countries and is promised by God that he will have offspring. After many years, this promise remains unfulfilled.

Abraham and Sarah are still childless. Abraham seems to resign himself to the fate he will “die childless” (Genesis 15:3), yet God reassures him he will have offspring as “numerous as the stars in the sky”.

It is after this event that Sarah has a deeply troubling realisation. Perhaps God is promising Abraham will have children, but not with her. She bravely suggests Abraham try to conceive a child with her maidservant Hagar. She uses the phrase “perhaps I will be built through her”.

The Hebrew word used for “built” has the same root as the word “son”. The commentators point this out. Apart from obviously bringing a child to the house and providing her husband with something he has longed for, she also hopes that through the merit of doing this action, her luck will change and she will also be blessed with children.

