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Parashah of the week: Ekev

“For the Lord your God is God supreme and Lord supreme, the great, the mighty and the awesome God” Deuteronomy 10.17

August 17, 2022 16:00
reading the torah

These words from Moses in our portion provide the source for the famous address to the Divine in the first blessing of the Amidah, our central prayer: Ha’el hagadol hagibbor vehanora, “the great mighty and awesome God”.

Such a concept of God could put some off from praying just as they’re starting, because, at least, on its surface, this language seems to valorise an anthropomorphised, almost macho, mighty presence. Yet, a fuller understanding of what these terms describe in our Torah portion can transform our experience of prayer, and our relationship with God.

The professor of prayer Reuven Kimelman explained that the meaning of the liturgy “exists not so much in the liturgical text per se as in the interaction between the liturgical text and the biblical intertext. Meaning, in the mind of the reader, takes place between texts rather than within them.”

So when we say the terms Ha’el hagadol ha’gibbor vehanora, addressing the “Great, Mighty and Awesome” in our prayer, we carry with us their meaning from when Moses says them. What is their meaning there?

