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Parashah of the week: Chayei Sarah

“And Abraham buried his wife Sarah in the cave” Genesis 23:19

November 9, 2023 11:09
Torah reading
A torah (Hebrew scripture) reading. The "yod" - a hand-shaped silver pointer - is used by the reader to mark his or her place in the text.

Parashat Chayei Sarah is called “the life of Sarah”, but it deals with her death and its aftermath. Sarah’s death follows immediately after the Akedah, the binding of Isaac, and many commentators link these two events.

One tradition suggests that Sarah was told that Abraham had sacrificed Isaac. Heartbroken at the thought that her beloved son had died at the hands of her husband, she died on the spot.

According to another tradition, she was told what really happened, and that Isaac survived, yet Sarah still died, because she could not bear the agony of living in the threatening and unpredictable world in which she found herself.

After Sarah’s death, Abraham did two unexpected things: after his initial grief, he went out and bought a burial plot. It was a restorative act, showing that the same unpredictable world which caused Sarah such anguish also offers opportunities to bring about the future that God had promised, namely that he would possess the land in which he presently lived as a resident alien (ger v’toshav).

