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Parashah of the week: Bo

“This Month Shall be for You the Beginning of Months” Exodus 12:2

January 18, 2024 13:04

ByRabbi Kathleen Middleton, Rabbi Kathleen Middleton

1 min read

The Ten Plagues reach their climax with the death of the firstborn. This last plague is announced with a set of instructions to prepare the Israelites for the impeding Exodus, together with a commandment to change the calendar.

The latter seems strangely placed: why disrupt the story with a directive to commemorate an event that has not yet taken place? Why worry the Israelites with instructions about the calendar when they are focused on escaping from Egyptian slavery?

According to the Italian commentator Ovadia Sforno, it signifies that when the Israelites become a free people, their time will be their own. We, however, could see it as an encouragement for the Israelites to take some responsibility in their own liberation; a sign that the Exodus was not meant to be a passive rescue mission.

After all, history must always be acted out by its human protagonists. The Israelites must therefore actively involve themselves in the last plague: firstly by inwardly differentiating themselves from Egyptian culture, and secondly by outwardly identifying themselves as Israelites, for God can take the Israelites out of Egypt; but only the Israelites can take Egypt out of themselves.

