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Parashah of the week: Beha'alotecha

“And the people who were impure and unable to offer the Pesach offering that day approached Moses” Numbers 9:6

June 8, 2023 13:53
Torah reading
A torah (Hebrew scripture) reading. The "yod" - a hand-shaped silver pointer - is used by the reader to mark his or her place in the text.
1 min read

In this week’s sidrah a group of people approach Moses and Aaron effectively requesting an entire national catch-up option since they were unable to offer the Pesach offering (they were ritually impure from carrying Joseph’s bones).

This would be the equivalent of accidentally oversleeping and missing the entirety of Yom Kippur then asking the rabbi if he can create a catch-up day. Moses refers the matter to God, who then creates an entire new mini-festival, Pesach Sheni.

Compare and contrast this to the events seven chapters later, as seen through the eyes of the Netziv (Naftali Zvi Yehuda Berlin). Korah desired power and leadership. But his 250 followers had purer motives — they felt the lack of being unable to serve in the Tabernacle (they were not priests) and campaigned for “equal rights” to serve.

Both groups (Pesach Sheni and Korah followers) were asking for the impossible.

