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Parashah of the week: Bechukkotai

“And I will grant peace in the Land, and you will lie down untroubled by anyone; I will remove wild beasts from the Land, and no sword will pass through your land| Leviticus 26:6

May 30, 2024 11:34
Rav Kook 1924_creditwikimedia.jpg
Rav Kook (wikimedia)

This week's portion opens with a pledge from the Infinite Creator, that if we faithfully walk the path of the mitzvot (commandments or connections), we will be rewarded with environmental, socio-economic and political blessings. We will enjoy stability, prosperity and – perhaps most relevant for us in this moment – peace.

Reb Natan of Breslov (1780 – 1844), the great disciple of Rebbe Nachman, writes that the peace we yearn for in our homeland, mentioned in the above verse, depends on two things: awareness and wisdom.

He refers to a teaching in the Talmud that “the air of the Land of Israel makes one wise” (Baba Batra 158b) and he explains that when awareness and wisdom are present, there is love and peace amongst our people, which leads to profound spiritual unity and strength.

Rav Abraham Isaac Kook (1865 – 1935) develops the connection between peace, wisdom and the Land of Israel, drawing on his understanding of Kabbalah. Referring to the same talmudic teaching, he writes that the wisdom we imbibe in our homeland gives us an appreciation for the intrinsic unity of all being (Shemonah Kevatzim 7:62).