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A wise, inclusive but sometimes over-protective approach to Torah

Listening for God in Torah & Creation, Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg, Hatchette, £30

February 2, 2024 15:12
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Rabbi Wittenberg’s kindness and wisdom shine through in this collection of magnificently crafted thoughts on the weekly parashah. Wittenberg draws on rabbinic texts, a wide range of world literature, and his personal reflections as senior rabbi of UK Masorti Judaism.

What a teacher chooses to focus on tells us much about him. Rabbi Wittenberg’s overarching concerns are inclusivity and care.

And so, Abraham’s attempt in Vayera to persuade God not to destroy Sodom becomes a call for us to act like Abraham and speak out in public against injustice. Other lessons teach us to acknowledge the struggle for women’s spirituality (Chayei Sarah), to be respectful of sexual difference (Acharei Mot), to counter racism (Beha’alotecha), and to cherish and safeguard the environment (Shoftim).

Rabbi Wittenberg encourages us to find these values through encounter with the text, appreciating that sometimes the text or its classical interpreters do not say what we would like them to say.