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Don’t label anyone a ‘bad Jew’

Harvard academic Noah Feldman’s new book asks what do Jews today have in common

May 26, 2024 11:22
Members of Jewish Voice for Peace protest in New York against American President Joe Biden's support for Israel in its war against Hamas in Gaza (photo: Getty Images)
4 min read

Many Jews must have been driven to apoplexy at the sight of some of their co-religionists joining anti-Israel marches or university protest camps, bearing slogans such as “Not in Our Name”. Rebels against the mainstream, they may represent a small minority of the Jewish population but — and this may be due to the magnifying power of social media — their number seems more than it would have a generation ago.

If that is the case, a new book offers one explanation why this is happening.

To be a Jew Today is written by a Harvard law professor, Noah Feldman. Graduate of a Modern Orthodox day school, he is an author of wide-ranging interests which include books on the rise and fall of Isis and the Arab spring. In his exploration of contemporary Jewish life, he asks the fundamental question of what we might have in common despite our manifold differences.

He believes it better to think of Jews collectively as a “extended family”, arguing that whereas Israelis form a nation, that does not apply to Jews as a whole. Ultimately, he suggests that we share a theology of struggle with God, derived from the name “Israel” with which Jacob was blessed after his all-night wrestling match with the mysterious being before his encounter with Esau. In this iconic image, he is locked in both a struggle and an embrace.