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Can I use a gluten-free challah on my Shabbat table?

An Orthodox and a Progressive rabbi tackle contemporary problems

February 21, 2022 13:37
Gluten-free challah

QUESTION: Since being diagnosed as a coeliac, I have been desperately trying to find gluten-free challah. But I have been told there is no such thing, since challah can only be made with five flours — wheat, barley, rye, oats or spelt, which coeliacs must avoid. Am I to be permanently excluded from a basic Jewish practice?

An Orthodox View - Naftali Brawer

It is correct that the mitzvah of separating challah only applies to the five grains you have listed. The source for this is the Mishnah Menachot 10:7.

However, it appears that you are conflating the mitzvah of separating challah with the soft braided bread colloquially known as challah. The actual mitzvah of challah has nothing to do with how the bread is braided. It involves separating some of the dough before the baking process and setting it aside as a consecration in memory of the portion of dough traditionally given to the priests in temple times (Numbers 15:17-21).