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Can a Jewish state be led by a person on trial for alleged corruption?

An Orthodox and a Reform rabbi tackle problems in contemporary Jewish life

August 11, 2023 11:44
Netanyahu outside court
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seen at the District Court in Jerusalem after the testimony of businessman Arnon Milchan's in his trial, on July 6, 2023. Photo by Chaim Goldberg/Flash90 *** Local Caption *** ביבי אולם מגיע עורכי דין בית משפט מחוזי דיון משפט נתניהו מילצן

Question: Is it right for a Jewish state to be led by a prime minister who is currently on trial for alleged corruption?

An Orthodox view from Rabbi Alex Chapper

It is important to caveat any discussion about Israel so that it should not be perceived as a criticism of the state or its leadership.  We learn this salutary lesson from the episode of the spies in the wilderness, whose negative report about the Land of Israel had devastating consequences for that entire generation.  There are sources that derive from here that public criticism of Israel is even considered a violation of the laws of lashon hara, inappropriate speech.

However, we can discern from the Torah the very high standards to which leaders are held. In fact, it appears that God Himself makes this point clear in relation to Moses, our greatest ever leader and teacher.