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Parashah of the week: Bemidbar

“And the number of Israel shall be like the sand of the sea, which shall neither be measured nor counted” Hosea 2:1

June 1, 2022 16:30
reading the torah
1 min read

With the founding of a modern Jewish state in Israel in 1948, a fair share of halachic dilemmas arose. One of them can be traced to this week’s parashah and haftarah.

In the parashah, Moses is commanded to count the Israelite males between the ages of 20 and 60. Rashi explains that this count was not a direct count of heads, rather each person presented a coin, with the total sum of coins indicating the total amount of Israelites.

The Talmud deduces from the aforementioned verse of our haftarah — “which shall neither be measured nor counted” — a prohibition against counting the populace (Yoma 22b). This prohibition is codified in the halachic works (Rambam and others).

The rationale commonly offered for this is to protect from the evil eye; to count people is to set a finite amount to their number which limits their potential and ability to grow. In the words of the rabbis: “blessing rests only on what is concealed from the eye” (Ta’anit 8b).

