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A Talmud for everyday living

Rabbi Daniel Friedman aims to make the wisdom of the sages more accessible

July 4, 2022 10:59
Rabbi Daniel Friedman
2 min read

Some rise at the crack of dawn to go to an early morning shiur in shul, others don headphones to listen to an audio guide on the commute home from work.

Nearly a century after it was inaugurated in Poland in 1923, the Dafi Yomi study programme continues to appeal with tens of thousands of Jews across the world accepting the challenge of learning a daf — a folio of the Babylonian Talmud — every day for the seven years and five months it takes to complete the cycle.

We are now two years into the 14th cycle and apart from various modern English translations to help students who could not manage the Aramaic on their own, there is a whole support system of commentaries including blogs and podcasts.

Among the latest, and more ambitious, learning aids is The Transformative Daf, written by Daniel Friedman, the former rabbi of Hampstead Garden Suburb in London. So far he has published companion volumes for five tractates beginning with Rosh Hashanah, with three more due out soon, all sponsored by UK supporters.