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A daughter’s devotion: one woman’s experience of saying Kaddish

Sarah Birnbach met a few obstacles along the way – but also found great kindness and spiritual companionship

March 23, 2025 11:09
Sarah Birnbach.jpg
Sarah Birnbach with her father Marvin
4 min read

In 2016, the United Synagogue issued a booklet to encourage women who wanted to say Kaddish. Chief Rabbi Mirvis said, “There are many ways to honour the memory of a loved one, but it is important that women who want to say Kaddish feel comfortable and supported in doing so.”

While more women now say the prayer in US synagogues than they did a generation ago, it is still far from the norm. But anyone unsure about whether to do so might take heart from Sara Birnbach’s memoir, A Daughter’s Kaddish, which documents her experience of saying it twice daily for 11 months.

It is not only a recollection of grief and loss of a father she clearly adored – her mother was difficult and at times abusive, even causing her to break a leg as a child – but also about a woman reclaiming her Judaism.

As a member of an egalitarian Conservative community in a Washington suburb, she had more leeway for participation than a woman in an Orthodox synagogue as she would be counted in a minyan most of the time. But not always: she recalls attending one more traditionally-minded Conservative synagogue when she and another women were unable to recite Kaddish because only nine men were present. “Nine is the loneliest number,” one chapter is titled.