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A cutting question: why do we circumcise our sons?

A new book explores the significance of the covenantal inititation rite

September 8, 2024 08:30
circumcision  GettyImages-2166227183
A man holds a small silver cup while reciting a traditional Jewish blessing over wine during a circumcision ceremony in Israel.

Jewish circumcision is called brit milah and in Yiddish bris. What does milah mean? To answer this, we need to ask what is the grammatical root of milah? There are several possibilities.

One is that the root is mem-lamed-lamed, meaning “to cut”. An example is in the verse: “In the morning grass shines and quickly vanishes into the evening when it is cut and dries up”(Psalm 90:6). The word is related to the word “cut”, as in cutting off the foreskin. This is straightforward and makes sense.

A second possible meaning is “realising the unity”.

The double lamed in the root mem-lamed-lamed presents at least one question which is: why are there two of the same letter? Would not one lamed be enough? The letter lamed spelled as a word means to teach or to learn.