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Jewniversity: Saul Kripke

David Edmonds's column on Jewish thinkers features possibly the world's greatest philosopher - and he's an observant Jew

May 3, 2018 14:55
Saul Kriepke
2 min read

He is, arguably, the world’s greatest living philosopher. But, unless you have a particular interest in philosophy, the chances are you’ve never heard of him.

Saul Aaron Kripke, now 77, was the eldest of three children, born to Dorothy and Myer, and raised in Omaha, Nebraska. Myer was a rabbi, at the Beth El Synagogue. Dorothy wrote educational books for children.

That their son was a bit unusual was clear from the beginning. By the age of seven Saul was self-taught in Hebrew: his parents thought this was some kind of hoax until they tested him. When he was an undergraduate at Harvard, he taught a seminar at MIT. He made his first scholarly breakthrough in logic aged 17.

Kripke has published very little in his lifetime, but everything he has published is of fundamental importance. In 1980, the brilliant Naming and Necessity was published (it had appeared as a paper some years earlier). One of the puzzles the book addresses is how, when I use a proper name, like Golders Green, or, say, Howard Jacobson, I refer to a thing or person or a place in the world.