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The Jewish Chronicle

Jewish Convert

May 25, 2018 14:33
3 min read

I was heartened to see Rabbi Laura Janner-Klausner say abuse over political differences within the community threatens to put us on a path to “self-destruction”. As someone on the receiving end of much of this abuse, I could not agree more.

In the last week alone, I have been accused of attending (or even organising) the controversial Kaddish for Gaza, told I should not be allowed within a hundred miles of Jewish children, labelled a bully and a fraud, a "vociferous critic of Israel" and someone who "attacks Jews". I've had strangers trawl my family’s social media to “prove” I’m not Jewish, been repeatedly likened to Rachel Dolezal and been sent thousands of messages including many so abusive that I have had to get the police involved.

This harassment campaign has led people to maliciously contact my employer, my synagogue, the Movement for Reform Judaism, the Jewish press, and the Labour Party, culminating in a piece published in the national press admonishing me for the ‘chutzpah’ of speaking about antisemitism on the left as a relatively recent convert to Judaism.

There is a broader point here about both the extent to which political differences are tolerated within the community and the outrageous double standards Jews-by-choice are held to, which my experience sadly illustrates.