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The Jewish Chronicle

It’s back to business as usual in Mumbai

Following last November’s terror attacks, Mumbai, setting for Oscar-winner Slumdog Millionaire is keen to show it is safe and still has a lot to offer.

February 26, 2009 11:13
Mumbai’s iconic Taj Mahal Hotel with the Gateway to India to the right

BySharron Livingston, Sharron Livingston

5 min read

Very good price, very good price said the bright-eyed boy in the yellow T-shirt, who might have been an extra from multi-Oscar winning Slumdog Millionaire. He poked his head through the car window and spoke quickly, offering Lord Shiva statuettes that dangled around his neck, arms and even from his finger tips.

“Just 200 rupees”. He saw me grimace and changed tack, “Okay 100 rupees, divine price for Lord Shiva”. Such was the urgency in his dark eyes that I handed over 100 rupees for a figurine and placed it in my handbag. And before I knew it the boy was away; his yellow T-shirt luminous against the cars as he zig-zagged through them.

I was sitting in grid-locked traffic on the main artery that is the national road into the city.

It’s the same every day, with cars, buses, motorbikes and ox carts, inching their way along, but frequently stationary, giving the under-aged entrepreneurs time to ply their trade. Roads are so dense with traffic that skywalks have been erected so that pedestrians can cross safely and not slow the traffic any further.