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The Jewish Chronicle

'It is possible to recover from autism'

October 8, 2009 10:19
Raun Kaufman: recovered

BySimon Round, Simon Round

2 min read

Raun Kaufman runs an organisation dedicated to helping families treat their autistic children — which is startling when you consider that Kaufman was himself an autistic child. He claims that thanks to his parents’ tireless work with him, he made a full recovery from the condition.

In fact, Kaufman became the subject of a bestselling book, Son-Rise, by his father, Barry Kaufman, which documented Raun’s recovery from autism. The book became the subject of an NBC television film, Son-Rise — A Miracle of Love.

Kaufman now heads the Autism Treatment Centre of America which runs the Son-Rise programme and is now in Britain for a lecture tour. He hoped to persuade parents of autistic children that there is a treatment for the condition — characterised by impaired social interaction and restricted and repetitive behaviour — a position which runs counter to the established medical wisdom.

Kaufman says: “I was an autistic child with all the classic symptoms. My parents did something incredible. They turned their back on medical orthodoxy and developed their own child-centred programme. I recovered without any trace of my autistic condition. I finished school and went to university — none of that was even meant to be on the cards for me.”