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The Jewish Chronicle

Israel trembles as Egypt quakes

February 3, 2011 14:18
Protesters demonstrating for and against Hosni Mubarak clash in Cairo’s Tahrir Square on Wednesday

ByAnshel Pfeffer, Anshel Pfeffer

2 min read

There is no single emotion that defines a revolution. Across Cairo, 30 years of autocracy are pouring out in streams of tears and screams of joy.

But the hope, fear and uncertainty coursing through the Egyptian uprising is shaking Israel.

Peace with Egypt under President Hosni Mubarak has been, according to one defence official, "Israel's second biggest strategic asset after the United States".

Now, some Israeli strategists are worried. "If there are open elections there, the Muslim Brotherhood will certainly take power. They are the only well-organised party there and if they get in, we will have another Iran, this time on our immediate border," said one defence official.