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The Jewish Chronicle

How the Palestinians stoked, then stopped, a new intifada

October 15, 2009 14:26

ByAnshel Pfeffer, Anshel Pfeffer

2 min read

Everything seemed to be in place for a third intifada. A bogged-down peace process, extreme politicians eagerly egging on their cohorts, rumours of Zionist plots to destroy the Temple Mount mosques, huge piles of rocks aimed at the heads of Jews at the Western Wall and all the religious fervour of Ramadan and the High Holy Days.

But in the end, the Jerusalem riots of the past couple of weeks petered out. Despite dire warnings from some former police officers and defence experts, a third uprising against Israel failed to ignite.

For this, there are a number of figures to whom we should be grateful.

First, Jerusalem Judge Shimon Fineberg, who decided not to make a martyr of the Islamic Movement’s Sheikh Raed Saleh. Instead of sending him to prison for incitement to violence, he made do with forbidding his entrance to the capital for 30 days.