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The Jewish Chronicle

How credible is the Pope’s denial?

It is claimed the Pope was not aware of the Shoah-denying bishop’s views when he readmitted him. How odd

February 5, 2009 14:39

ByMelanie Phillips, Melanie Phillips

3 min read

As if the Jews didn’t have enough on their plate, what with blood libels and Israel-hating calumnies flying thick and fast over events in Gaza, the Pope had to choose this moment to readmit into the fold a bishop who denies the Holocaust.

Britain’s Bishop Richard Williamson has said that only 200,000 to 300,000 Jews died in Nazi concentration camps and “none of them in gas chambers”.

He also reportedly endorsed the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and is on record as saying that the Jews are fighting for world domination “to prepare the Anti-Christ’s throne in Jerusalem”.

Williamson is one of four bishops whose 20-year excommunication was lifted by the Pope. Save for a declaration that the Jews were, indeed, damned in perpetuity for the crucifixion of Jesus, it is hard to think of a Papal gesture which could have done more damage than for the head of a church responsible for centuries of Jewish persecution effectively to absolve a bishop of his Jew-hatred. At a stroke, Pope Benedict XVI threatened to destroy the progress made in Catholic-Jewish relations since the seminal Second Vatican Council, which absolved “the Jews of today” from the crime of deicide.