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The Jewish Chronicle

Have a ball in vintage Havana

Cuba's capital is a Unesco world heritage site with plenty to explore

November 24, 2016 23:18
Classic cars are an everyday sight on the streets of Havana

BySharron Livingston, Sharron Livingston

2 min read

Last year the United States restored diplomatic relations with Cuba after a 50-year Cold War. Since then this Carribean island which lies a mere 90 miles away from Key West and Florida has flung open its doors beckoning cruise ships to stop by its capital, Havana, and holiday makers to fly into its José Marti Airport. You can enjoy a perfectly good beach holiday in Cuba, the Caribbean's largest island, and be as lazy as you like, but it would be a shame not to explore.

Its streets are lined with grand, colourful colonial buildings once home to pirates, poets and gamblers who brought with them rum, cigars and the Rumba. Cobbled streets host Chevrolets, Bucks and Fords, classic cars that are revered elsewhere but are everyday cars here.

All this is testament to a complicated past yet an exuberant modern-day culture. It's a potent mix - especially in Havana.

Where to start: Old Havana (Havana Vieja)