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The Jewish Chronicle

For Israel’s birthday, stop Iran

Israel’s dream is security and peace, but it cannot achieve that without the world’s help

April 23, 2009 09:53

ByRon Prosor, Ron Prosor

2 min read

Whereas on Pesach, the youngest present asks, “Why is this night different from all other nights?”, on Yom Ha’atzmaut, the entire Jewish people ask collectively, “How is this year different from all other years?”. As we celebrate the 61st anniversary of the state of Israel, this year’s differences include new governments in both Israel and the US, and a world that faces unprecedented global challenges, economically and strategically.

On a personal note, this is the second time I will celebrate the establishment of the state of Israel as Israel’s Ambassador to the UK. I’ve been touched by the energy and commitment of the Jewish community and the strength of the community’s connection with the state of Israel. Now more than ever, our challenges are shared, our futures intertwined.

Those who demonise and delegitimise the state of Israel also attack the identity, safety and security of Jewish people throughout the world. Earlier this year, when Israel was forced to defend its citizens from Hamas missile attacks, British Jews, in Trafalgar Square, in Manchester and elsewhere, stood tall in solidarity with the people of Israel as together we called for peace.

Our countries remain bonded by shared values and democratic traditions. We celebrated those values when Gordon Brown visited Israel, becoming the first British Prime Minister to address the Knesset. We celebrated them when President Shimon Peres visited the UK in November, receiving an honorary knighthood from Her Majesty the Queen.