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The Jewish Chronicle

Fight terrorists by suing them

March 20, 2008 24:00

ByMelanie Phillips, Melanie Phillips

3 min read

Asymmetric warfare is normally defined as the weak pitting themselves against forces equipped with infinitely superior military power.

But in fact, unlike conventional warfare between states, asymmetric warfare conceals the real drivers of the aggression — those regimes which finance, recruit, arm and train those who fire rockets at civilians or turn themselves into human bombs.

Such concealment paralyses countries which need to protect their citizens against such terror. Their military might becomes a boomerang when, as happened during Israel’s recent action in Gaza, the terrorists place women and children on the rooftops during air-raids in order to maximise civilian casualties.

The credulous West accordingly sees an inhuman Israel killing unarmed innocents. The regimes whose strategic aim is the death of such innocents as well as the slaughter of Israelis are totally absent from the false picture imprinted upon the West’s collective retina.