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Family & Education

Will your school pass the open-day test?

Liat Hughes Joshi, author of parenting books, gives advice on how to find the ideal school for your child.

October 24, 2017 11:17
Liat Hughes Joshi: 'start with a blank slate'

By Anna Tobin, Anna Tobin

3 min read

How do you find the ideal school for your child? In the state sector your choice may be limited by location but it is still worth going to see all your local schools, so you can prioritise the ones you would prefer. In the private or the state sector, you should be looking for the same signs when assessing a school.


Build your own opinion

The views of parents and children already at the school should not be discounted but it is important to judge every establishment yourself and think how it will benefit your child.

“I recommend parents go round any school with an open mind. On the day, temporarily disregard anything you’ve heard reputation-wise,’ says Liat Hughes Joshi, author of parenting books including New Old-Fashioned Parenting (Summersdale).