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UK Charedi rabbis issue statement to make clear their schools cannot talk about same-sex relations in class

Strong rabbinic statement reflects growing Strictly Orthodox alarm over education policy

February 13, 2020 15:36
1 min read

Rabbis representing Britain’s main Strictly Orthodox communities have issued a defiant challenge to the government by insisting their schools cannot discuss LGBT-related issues with pupils.

The rabbinate of Chinuch UK, the umbrella group set up two years ago to defend the Charedi education system, have made it clear that schools cannot comply with the latest directives from the state.

In a statement, they said that schools should not “not describe to pupils lifestyles prohibited by the Torah” and “ensure that inspectors do not speak to pupils about these matters at all”.

They said schools, when asked by inspectors, should “state clearly and respectfully that they do not cover these subjects”.