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The veteran head who's made Lubavitch bloom

After 40 years in Anglo-Jewish education Judith Nemeth has taken on her toughest assignment

June 4, 2023 10:16
Judith Nemeth
5 min read

It’s “My swansong”, the executive headteacher of the Lubavitch Multi-Academy Trust said of the role she took up a little over two years ago. After more than 40 years’ service since qualifying as a secondary-school teacher in English, Judith Nemeth might well be considered the grand dame of Jewish education in the UK.

If the Strictly Orthodox grandmother had already opted to put her feet up, who could have blamed her? Instead, she came to Stamford Hill to try to turn around the beleaguered trust, a consortium of three state-aided Chasidic schools. Over its head dangled a financial warning notice, while parents were complaining to the DFE that the trust had lost its way.

Now the warning notice has been lifted. The girls’ primary and secondary schools have earned good Ofsted reports, while the previously inadequate-ranked boys primary has moved a grade higher to “requires improvement” and is, she said on an “upward stretch”.

“It’s been extremely hard work” she said. “I don’t think I have worked as hard in my life. But I have loved every minute of it. There have been so many balls to keep in the air.”