Try our High Holy Day knowledge test
October 10, 2024 14:53ByETGAR
1) Which practice from Rosh Hashanah do we have the custom to repeat as soon as Yom Kippur ends?
a) blowing the Shofar
b) eating Apple and Honey
c) saying Tashlich
d) making kiddush
e) wearing white clothes
2) Which of the following is not a prohibition of Yom Kippur?
a) drinking
b) washing
c) wearing leather shoes
d) wearing new clothes
e) wearing perfume
3) Who was Prime Minister during the Yom Kippur War?
a) Menachem Begin
b) Golda Meir
c) Yitzhak Rabin
d) Levi Eshkol
e) Moshe Dayan
4) What is the date of Yom Kippur?
a) Tishri 3
b) Tishri 6
c) Tishri 10
d) Tishri 13
e) Tishri 16
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5) Which month of the Hebrew calendar has the most fast days?
a) Tishri
b) Av
c) Tammuz
d) Tevet
e) Adar
6) Where was Jonah sailing to when he was swallowed by a fish?
a) Jaffa
b) Haifa
c) Ashdod
d) Ninveh
e) Tarshish
[image whale]
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Answers 1a, 2d, 3b, 4c, 5a, 6e