Family & Education

The Etgar Rosh Hashanah quiz

Try our New Year Jewish knowledge challenge

September 29, 2024 11:14
Etgar shofar.png
illustration: Miki Shaw
1 min read

1) The 10 ten from Rosh Hashanah until Yom Kippur are called the Ten Days of:

a) Sadness

b) Joy

c) Forgiveness

d) Repentance

e) Judgment

2) On Rosh Hashanah how many notes do we blow on the shofar?

a) 100

b) 120

c) 124

d) 130

e) 144

3) Which of these is not a name for Rosh Hashanah?

a) Yom Hazikaron

b) Z’man Chadsheinu

c) Yom Hadin

d) Yom Teruah

e) Yom Harat Olam

4) How many clear days usually between Rosh Hashanah and the next fast day in the Jewish calendar?

a) none

b) eight

c) nine

d) 15

e) 36

5) Tashlich is:

a) an additional Rosh Hashanah service

b) the longest sound of the shofar

c) the prayer recited next to a flowing water on Rosh Hashana afternoon

d) the special shawl worn by the Rabbi on Rosh Hashanah

e) the tradition of eating new fruit on the second night of the festival

illustration: Miki Shaw[Missing Credit]

6) Which of the following traditional Rosh Hashanah foods were not mentioned in the Talmud:

a) leeks

b) apples

c) beetroot

d) dates

e) gourds

Drag your mouse over the area below to reveal the answers

 Answers 1d, 2a, 3b, 4a, 5c, 6b

