contains material not in the Etgar Handbook
1) Who won a Nobel prize for the Oslo Accords?
a) Anwar Sadat
b) Menachem Begin
c) Efraim Katzir
d) Bill Clinton
e) Yitzhak Rabin
2) What is the name for the categories of work that are forbidden on Shabbat?
a) melachot
b) avodot
c) taharot
d) assurot
e) muktzeh
[contains: Shabbat candles]
3) In which town did the tradition of reciting Kabbalat Shabbat begin?
a) Jerusalem
b) Chevron
c) Tiberias
d) Tzefat
e) Shushan
4) Which of these towns in Israel is not on the coast?
a) Tel Aviv
b) Beersheva
c) Netanya
d) Haifa
e) Ashdod
[map of Israel]
5) The extra service that we say on Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh and festivals is called:
a) Shacharit
b) Minyan
c) Neilah
d) Mizrach
e) Musaf
6) The First Temple was built by:
a) Moses
b) Joshua
c) David
d) Samuel
e) Solomon
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Answers: 1e, 2a, 3d, 4b, 5e, 6e