contains material not in the Etgar Handbook
1) Which one of these rabbis was from Poland?
a) Rambam
b) Ramban
c) Maharal
d) Moshe Feinstein
e) Chafetz Chaim
2) What year did Osem start producing the snack Bamba?
a) 1973
b) 1952
c) 1980
d) 1964
e) 1987
3) The area on which the Beit Hamikdash stood is known as:
a) Har Hahar
b) Har Habayit
c) Har Gerizim
d) Har Sinai
e) Masada
4) In the Mishkan, what was the menorah made of?
a) copper
b) silver
c) plastic
d) gold
e) wood
[image: menorah]
5) Which of the following rabbis lived most recently?
a) Yosef Karo
b) Chafetz Chaim
c) Resh Lakish
d) Maharal
e) Ramban
6) Who was the first Israeli athlete to win an Olympic medal?
a) Yael Arad
b) Oren Smadja
c) Yarden Gerbi
d) Linoy Ashram
e) Alex Averbukh
[image: gold medal]
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Answers 1e, 2d, 3b, 4d, 5b, 6a