1) On the fourth day of creation, God created:
a) fish and birds
b) land and plants
c) sun, moon and stars
d) animals and humans
e) the heavens
2) “A life without ____________ is not worth living” . What’s the missing word?
a) Shabbat
b) Torah
c) friends
d) laughter
e) chocolate
3) And God said, ‘Let us make man in __________’.
a) the Garden of Eden
b) Our image
c) one day
d) clay
e) pairs
[image; bible man]
illustration: Miki Shaw[Missing Credit]
4) Shortly after Creation, who named all the animals?
a) God
b) the Angels
c) Chava
d) Adam
e) Noach
5) How old was Noach when he had children?
a) 18
b) 70
c) 120
d) 500
e) 969
6) The Mishnah says ‘Whoever saves a life, saves an entire _____’
a) family
b) legacy
c) village
d) nation
e) world
[image: globe]
illustration: Miki Shaw[Missing Credit]
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Answers 1c, 2c, 3b, 4d, 5d, 6e