Family & Education

The Etgar quiz no 261

Try our weekly Jewish knowledge test

March 4, 2024 17:00
Etgar Quiz.png
illustration: Miki Shaw
1 min read

1) As they travelled through the desert to Israel, where in the camp did the Jews meet to serve God?

a) The Mishkan

b) The Bet Knesset

c) The Aron Hakodesh

d) The Mizbeach

e) The Kotel

2) The mother of Shlomo was called:

a) Rachel

b) Hannah

c) Batsheva

d) Avigayil

e) Miriam

3) The Mishkan covered approximately

a) 5,000 square feet (a primary school playground)

b) 10,000 square feet (the size of a hotel ballroom)

c) 15,000 square feet (the size of a large warehouse)

d) 64,000 square feet (the size of a football pitch)

e) 0.7 square km (the size of the Vatican City)

illustration: Miki Shaw[Missing Credit]

4) In 1915, Britain and France agreed to divide the Ottoman Empire in a document called:

a) Sykes-Picot Agreement

b) McMahon-Hussein Letters

c) Palestine Partition Plan

d) The White Paper

e) Treaty

5) How much were the children of Israel told to contribute to the Mishkan?

a) 10 per cent of their income

b) as much as they could afford

c) two zuzim

d) 10 shekels

e) half a shekel

6) What is the meaning of Fauda?

a) trouble

b) attack

c) chaos

d) territory

e) action

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 Answers: 1a, 2c, 3c, 4a, 5e, 6c;

