Friday, 28 March, 2025
28 Adar 5785
Start the week with our Jewish knowledge test
1. From what parashah is Parashat Zachor read?
a. Ki Tetzei
b. Vayetzei
c. Korach
d. Shemot
e. Va’era
2. What do you get if you multiply the number of spies by the number of Minor Prophets?
a. 50
b. 60
c. 100
d. 120
e. 144
3. Which of the following people did not live in the modern period?
a. Chafetz Chaim
b. Theodor Herzl
c. David Ben Gurion
d. Yehudah HaLevi
e. Golda Meir
4. The Yiddish language is mainly derived from:
a. Spanish and Hebrew
b. Aramaic and Hebrew
c. German and Hebrew
d. German and Russian
e. Spanish and English
5. Which month of the Hebrew calendar has the most fast days?
a. Tishri
b. Av
c. Tammuz
d. Tevet
e. Adar
6. Who wrote the short story Yentl?
a. Sholem Aleichem
b. Isaac Bashevis Singer
c. I.L. Peretz
d. Saul Bellow
e. Philip Roth
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Answers 1a, 2e, 3d, 4c, 5a,