Family & Education

The Etgar Purim Challenge

contains material not in the Etgar Handbook

February 25, 2021 11:02
1 min read

1. As they travelled through the desert to Israel, where in the camp did the Jews meet to serve God?
a.    the Mishkan
b.    the Beit Knesset
c.    the Aron Hakodesh
d.    the Mizbeach
e.    the Kotel

2.    Spot the odd one out:
a.    sash
b.    breastplate
c.    coat
d.    boots
e.    turban

3.    Which of these is not a mitzvah of Purim:
a.    to listen to the Megillah
b.    to dress up
c.    to give presents of two types of food to friends
d.    to give charity to at least two poor people
e.    to enjoy a festive meal

4.    Queen Esther’s Hebrew name was
a.    Etta
b.    Iris
c.    Atarah
d.    Tzipporah
e.    Hadassah

5.    In the book of Esther, what was King Achashverosh’s last act?
a.    he taxed the people
b.    he threw a party
c.    he had Haman hanged
d.    he established Purim
e.    he wrote Megillah Esther

6.    How many members of the Knesset are there?
a.    72
b.    96
c.    120
d.    150
e.    180

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 Answers: 1a, 2d (All others are garments of the High Priest), 3b, 4e, 5a, 6c