Family & Education

The Etgar Challenge October 1

contains material not in the Etgar handbook

September 27, 2021 14:41
1 min read

1.    “A life without ____________ is not worth living” . What’s the missing word?
a.    Shabbat
b.    friends
c.    Torah
d.    laughter 
e.    chocolate

2.    Shortly after Creation, who named all the animals?
a.    God
b.    the Angels
c.    Eve
d.    Adam
e.    Noah

3.    What did God create two days before Yom Shishi? 
a.    animals and humans
b.    light
c.    sun and moon and stars
d.    land and plants
e.    fish and birds

4.    In what year was the Balfour Declaration made, stating the British government’s support for a Jewish national homeland?
a.    1897
b.    1904
c.    1917
d.    1922
e.    1939

5.    Which prayer do we say twice a day, once during the day and once at night?
a.    Amidah
b.    Aleinu
c.    Ashrei
d.    Shema
e.    Baruch She’amar

6.    In which country did Sephardi Jews not live until modern times?
a.    Spain
b.    Portugal
c.    Morocco
d.    Italy
e.    Germany

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 Answers: 1b, 2d, 3c, 4c, 5d, 6e