Family & Education

The Etgar Challenge November 9

contains material not in the Etgar Handbook

November 9, 2020 11:56
Miki Shaw
1 min read

1.    Ishmael’s mother was called:
a.    Sarah
b.    Leah
c.    Bilhah
d.    Zilpah
e.    Hagar

2.    In which country was Herzl born?
a.    Australia
b.    France
c.    Denmark
d.    Hungary
e.    United Kingdom

3.    The name Isaac derives from which verb in Hebrew?
a.    blessed
b.    praised
c.    fought
d.    healed
e.    laughed

4. The lamp that burns continually in every synagogue is called:
a    havdalah
b.    yahrzeit
c.    menorah
d.    ner tamid
e   ohr chadash

5.    Who said: “You have to sit down and talk to people. You can’t understand them from a distance.”
a.    David Ben Gurion
b.    Golda Meir
c.    Yitzhak Rabin
d.    Chaim Herzog
e.    Moshe Sharrett

6. Which month occurs twice in a leap year?
a, Tishri
b, Chesvan
c, Kislev
d, Shevat
e, Adar

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 Answers 1e, 2d, 3e, 4d, 5c, 6e