contains material not in Etgar Handbook
November 17, 2020 11:401. Deduct the number of parashiot in the Torah from the members of the Sanhedrin:
a. 11
b. 17
c. 25
d. 33
e. 36
2. Which of the following is not an Israeli innovation?
a. Pill Cam
b. The first anti-virus program
c. Bluetooth
d. Waze
e. USB
3. Which of these people did not serve as a Prime Minister of Israel?
a. David Ben Gurion
b. Yitzhak Rabin
c. Menachem Begin
d. Chaim Weitzman
e. Golda Meir
4. How old was Sarah when she died?
a. 99
b. 100
c. 120
d. 127
e. 175
5. Which of the following is not part of the regular morning prayers?
a. Hallel
b. Baruch She’amar
c. Aleinu
d. Ashrei
e. Shema
6. When are tefillin not worn?
a. Yom Yerushalayim
b. Shavuot
c. Yom Hashoah
d. Tzom Gedaliah
e. Ta’anit Esther
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Answers 1b, 2c, 3d, 4d, 5a, 6b